Wednesday, April 09, 2008


One of the new age humanists religious philosophies that are prevalent in today's society is the religion of inclusiveness. This religious philosophy espouses there is only good, and there is no such thing as Hell or Satan. They claim to believe there is no real God, but instead, a sort of God consciousness which is some mystical power of all good and no evil. There is no such thing as sin, or any negatives, for that matter. There is only good. All people, regardless of their religious philosophy or religion, will go to Heaven, or at least the new-agers concept of whatever Heaven must be. I could write a great deal more about this subject but this video touches on the subject somewhat.

Apparently, Oprah Winfrey is one of the new age goddesses of our time.

My brother, the retired foreign missionary, sent this to me. I've always suspected something wasn't right about Oprah, but I always believed she had some Christian up-bringing. This video would suggest she isn't Christian at all. It is disturbing to know that she has such tremendous influence. I wonder. How many innocent people is she leading into Hell?

Many people who believe the kind of things represented in this video don't believe in Satan and Hell, yet they say they believe in God. If that were true, how do they respond to the fact that there are many more references to Hell and Satan in the Bible than there are Heaven?


Timothy said...

Hi Mark,
Yes, I saw the video for the first time last week. It is disturbing that she has so many followers.

Since she is NOT a believer, and so many of her guests believe in something, it stands to reason she would eventually fall into some erroneous teaching and begin to propagate it.

Abouna said...

Oprah and her followers can all join hands and sing "Kumbaya" as they dance their way down the road to perdition.

We can only pray for her and those she is leading astray.

Lone Ranger said...

How does someone get to be that rich with so little brain power?

Anonymous said...

It was a firm belief in Hell that convinced me finally to take God seriously.


Meanwhile, Oprah's seen a vast fall in her "approval" ratings (as if she were a politician) ever since she decided to jump into politics with an endorsement recently.

Al-Ozarka said...

I've said for many years that Oprah is the most dangerous woman in America.

Charles D said...

Oprah - the consummate evil in the world, all the women are being seduced by her devilish grin.

What a total load of crap! Millions of people around the world believe in God and do not believe in heaven and hell and the cross in the manner of fundamentalist Christians. Virtually all the great men and women who have ever lived on earth do not believe like fundamentalist Christians.

Perhaps Oprah actually read and absorbed the message of Jesus instead of the claptrap taught by the Bible-thumpers on TV. It sure sounds like it.